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Friday 12 February 2010

Winter olympics opening ceremonies

I have to say I wasn't expecting the opening ceremonies at the Vancouver olympics to revolve around our Native heritage. But I suppose it only makes sense. Did anyone else notice how the Aboriginals were dancing throughout the whole ceremony? All that time spent introducing every country and there just dancing and chanting the whole time, it looked exhausting!
It was great to see old hockey players like Jaromir Jagr and Peter Forsberg carry there countries flags at the ceremony. Sean White was there with his red hair and red eyes to match... as long as the olympics dont consider marijuana a performance enhancing drug, he's there to stay.
Canada was the last country to enter the stadium, and when they did, just about 60' 000 in the stands went crazy. This followed by a decent performance by Bryan Adams and Nelly Furtado. So now the stage is set for the 2010 Vancouver winter Olympics

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