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Thursday 4 March 2010

Shutter Island review

Scorsese does Hitchcock in this wonderful thriller staring Dicaprio in his greatest performance to date. I have to say I had my doubts. After finally getting an oscar for The Departed, I figured Scorsese might get a little lazy and start settling for mediocre movie projects... man was I ever wrong.
This has to be one of his greatest achievements. I have never seen mood and setting used so effectively since Kubrick's The Shining. From the first time we see Shutter Island on the ferry to the ending moments in the lighthouse, this movie never lets up in its visual beauty and powerhouse acting.
What a great way to start off this decade with another Scorsese classic.

1 comment:

  1. Your comments on this flm are dead on. An amazing masterpiece that did not dissapoint at all. I expected to watch a failure as well as another Dicaprio moment of, I wish I was still the star I once was in Titanic, but I was pleasently surprised by his performance. most definelty oscar material. Too bad it wasnt realeased during its initial release date. Great to hear from another lover of real movies that will be remembered for being classic, and not just a quick way to make a buck.
