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Thursday 4 March 2010

Shutter Island review

Scorsese does Hitchcock in this wonderful thriller staring Dicaprio in his greatest performance to date. I have to say I had my doubts. After finally getting an oscar for The Departed, I figured Scorsese might get a little lazy and start settling for mediocre movie projects... man was I ever wrong.
This has to be one of his greatest achievements. I have never seen mood and setting used so effectively since Kubrick's The Shining. From the first time we see Shutter Island on the ferry to the ending moments in the lighthouse, this movie never lets up in its visual beauty and powerhouse acting.
What a great way to start off this decade with another Scorsese classic.

Monday 1 March 2010

The Final day of the 2010 VAncouver winter Olympics

So, the Olympics are done, and Canada was amazing! Making two records, the first is having the most gold medals won by a host team ever, and the second is winning the most gold medals...ever! Seeing as though we were doing pretty bad at the start of these Olympics, this has been a very impressive turn for our Olmpians.
I watched the men's hockey final last night, Canada vs. USA. I was nervous since Caanda had lost to them in the preliminary round. It ended up going in overtime, both goalies doing a great job of keeping the puck out of the net until Ryan Miller, of the USA team, let a goal in made by our very own Sidney Crosby. Crosby wasn't having the best game so it's great to see him pull out when it really counts. Nonetheless, Ryan Miller did a fantastic job throughout the entire Olympics, and I don't believe team USA would of made it as far as they did without him. Miller kept his game face on the entire time and it really showed.
I also managed to watch about 30 to 45 minutes of the closing ceremonies. The beginning where they were making fun of the mess up they had at the opening ceremonies was pretty funnyand I would consider it a sort of "recovery" from the opening ceremony. Then came a bunch of singing and some dancing that started to seem random and a bit boring. Before turning off the TV I noticed that the next winter games will be held at Sochi, which is in Russia. Now I can't wait to see what the Russians will do with this opportunity to impress the whole world. See you for the 2012 summer Olympics in London, England!
-Malik out :)